“The problem isn’t that we’re lazy or incapable – it’s just that we’re not doing the work that’s going to enable us to thrive.”

Charlie Gilkey, Start Finishing

Do you want ease or fulfillment?

Listen, you know where this is going, and I’m first in line to be convicted of this unconscious seeking of comfort.

You’re not working on what matters most.

You’re not doing the work that will make a difference. You’re doing the work that’s easiest.

You are on the path of least resistance.

I totally get it – that downhill path is soooo easy to walk. You don’t even break a sweat.

The problem is, you and I are artists, and we’re entrepreneurs. We don’t get fulfillment from a life of ease – our fulfillment comes from breaking things. Creative breakthroughs. Breaking through walls, through obstacles, through crowds of naysayers and doubters. Breaking through those old voices in our heads telling us the same old crap about how we can’t, we shouldn’t, and we never will.

Make a choice. Now.

Do you want ease or fulfillment?

I bet you know what to do next.

Want to talk about it? E-mail me and let me know what’s on your heart. I read every e-mail, and I’m always in your corner.

James Michael Taylor

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