How do you want to feel in 2019?

"To do what is just with all one's soul, and to tell the truth. What remains for you to do but enjoy life, linking each good thing to the next, without leaving the slightest interval between them?" - Marcus Aurelius

Danielle LaPorte's The Desire Map has been my most recommended book of 2018.

So many of us have some system in place for goals, but often those goals are technical: I want more clients, I want more money, I want to make more and better photos with more confidence.

Good goals, of course.

But a powerful shift I've experienced in 2018 has been redesigning my life goals around how I want to FEEL.

Three powerful questions to help you prepare for 2019:

  1. What were some experiences this year that made you feel a way you DON'T want to feel?
  2. What were some experiences this year that made you feel how you DO want to feel?
  3. What can you do differently in 2019 to feel LESS of what you don't and MORE of what you do want to feel?

This is some 30,000-foot work, as Covey would call it. And unless your body and being and balance and business are exactly how you want them, there's worthwhile work to be done to get at HOW you're going to make 2019 better than 2018.

Write out your thoughts on these questions, and/or e-mail me at and share them with me - I read every e-mail, and I really am here to help however I can.

James Michael Taylor

P.S. ProTip: If you want to engage this exercise but can't right now, open your calendar app and block the time to do so, as soon as possible - tonight if you can. This may be the most powerful thing you do to reprogram how good your new year is going to be.